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Ian Lafferty Named as Mount Carmel Fitness Center’s New Center Director

Power Wellness is excited to announce the addition of Ian Lafferty, Center Director to our team at Mount Carmel Fitness Center in Columbus, OH. Ian possesses a BA and MS in Exercise Science and currently holds multiple certifications including Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA), Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM), and Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM). His professional experience includes serving as an exercise physiologist in Outpatient Rehabilitation, personal training, fitness education, and management.

Power Wellness has managed the Mount Carmel Fitness Center since its inception in 2016. Since 1996, Power Wellness has managed 50+ centers equaling 1.5 million square feet, expanded to include over 3,000 team members and serves approximately 5 million guest visits a year.

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